Wondering if trade shows will be back? Of course they will – here’s why.
We firmly believe that the challenges we are currently facing will end well, and we are preparing for the return of trade shows. It will take time and patience, determination and resolve, but at the end of the day, your business and our business, along with the exhibit industry, will quickly re-emerge as the same prosperous & productive industry it was only a few months ago.
The same you say?
-Yes, here’s why!
Social interactions
We humans are gregarious & sociable beings who desire and need interaction with others, to be productive and thus content & pleased within our existence. And yet, in this unique time, we may act & think that we are isolated, unable to do what we as humans are programmed to do: mix, intermingle, be productive & network. As many of us feel, today it is “too still” in our business world. Many of us are longing for trade shows to return.
Trade Show Profitability
Trade shows still remain one of the most profitable B2B media strategies. The cost of a face-to-face meeting with a prospect at a trade show is much lower than the same face-to-face meeting in your office. In the US, the B2B trade show market was worth 15 billion U.S. dollars in 2018, proving our point.
Product display and live demos
As 92% of trade show attendees come to see what the new products and services offered in their industry are, we’re even more convinced that trade shows are here to stay. Live demos, touch and try new products, live discussions on innovations, etc. Use this down time to prepare your next show as no other media strategy will provide you with such a large qualified captive audience.
Trade Show Industry reunion
Tradeshows are more often than not an annual event, scheduled and planned well in advance, by attendees and exhibitors alike. Major players within an industry get together to discuss, exchange information, and participate in the growth of the industry. Seminars, continuing education sessions, and other organized events complete the knowledgeable-sharing component of trade shows.
There are times in everyone’s life, whether personal or business, whereby changes take place in our respective social & business foundations that truly shake us. And we are experiencing this right now. But it is not the final state of affairs, nor the end.
You and Archex will both still exist once this passes. Right now, it is time for us all to take a deep breath, work together & stay in touch. Many trade shows have confirmed new dates for the fall or winter. Time to restart planning.