Back at Tradeshows

Archex is very excited to announce that we have recently returned from working with our client at a hugely successful Vision Expo East tradeshow in Orlando Florida. The show was held in Orlando in June having moved from Javits Centre in New York typically held in March.

We would like to share with you our thoughts and observations on the complete positivity and agreeable atmosphere we saw before, during this show. As an exhibitor, please be assured that your comfort in returning to the tradeshow floor should be restored.

Being the first return to live events and tradeshows in North America since the beginning of the pandemic, we did not fully know what to expect as this was the first large-scale, in-person trade show since the events industry suffered a setback over 14 months ago.

All in all the show was excellent for everyone involved.

Here are a few key takeaways from our time on the show floor which should help you gain a clear understanding on why it is once again safe and beneficial to return to tradeshows.

The Show Floor

  • No aisle carpets were installed.
  • Wider aisles expanded from 10′ to 15′ wide.
  • The major industry players were mostly in attendance.
  • There were some “no show” exhibitors and some scaled back versions of exhibit booths but the industry was well represented on the tradeshow floor offering great opportunities for both buyer and seller.
  • Overall the event was about 40% smaller than previous editions which was to be expected. Those exhibiting companies benefited from a more selective group of companies. Opportunity awaited those attending.
  • Move in and move out was seamless and handled very efficiently.

Show room- Back of tradeshow

The Facility and Safety

  • Temperature checks were mandatory before entering the exhibit hall, during install, show days and during move out. Verification of individual temperature checks was easily identified by a colored stick applied to your badge.
  • Hand sanitizers were easy to find and plentiful.
  • Overall, the safety of all in attendance was obviously a primary focus and evident throughout the event.
  • Any apprehension on behalf of the attendees for a safe environment was quickly minimized by obvious measures put in place by the Orange County Convention Centre and show management.
  • Face masks were mandatory but not always worn. As Florida feels wide open, it appeared to be more of a choice than a requirement during the show hours.

Show Services

  • Flat Rate Material Handling fees were put in place. No surprise fees for special handling, carpet shipments, multiple shipments, oversize pieces etc. This is a very welcomed change in the tradeshow industry. Read more on show services here.
  • All services were delivered quickly and as expected. It seems that all show suppliers have picked up where they left off.

Exhibitor Feedback

  • Feedback from exhibitors was all positive. Although attendance was down, the “right people” were walking the show floor. Our client had an eye-catching booth display and experienced a normal number of orders for their product and was more than pleased with the results.
  • Feedback from exhibit houses and installation teams was that everything felt controlled, safe and efficient.
  • There have been no reported cases of Covid as a result of this event.

In conclusion, having been to Vision Expo East as an exhibit house, we would have no apprehension returning to a well-managed Convention Centre or tradeshow moving forward. We would encourage and recommend once again participating in tradeshows.

Tradeshows are returning and are going to become even more essential to business growth during this period of economic recovery. You should again consider tradeshow booths as a vital part of your sales and marketing plans.

The benefits of exhibiting your products and services have always been proven to be exceptional and now the opportunities awaiting you on the show floor are once again yours for the taking.

Tradeshows are back.