Award-winning tradeshow booths – the Archex Coups de Coeur season 2022

We have been in the tradeshow business for 47 years. Year after year we average around 700 unique projects. Imagine what it represents in terms of eye-catching designs, clients and friends as well as award-winning tradeshow booths in our portfolio. You should see our archives, a recollection of the various trends and evolutions in the exhibit booth design in North America over the decades.

Instead of simply filing all of that creativity and craftsmanship, we have decided to shine some light on these projects and honour our clients with the Coups de Coeur Archex, our very own award-ceremony for our tradeshow exhibits.

Visit our portfolio to see all the projects that were factored into the selection:

But what are the Archex’s Coups de Coeur exactly? A celebration of our customers, their creativity, branding, ideas and displays of course. Everyone at Archex, from the design team, sales, production, and logistics divisions, have voted on their “feel-good” stands of the year, throughout various categories.

An exercise that had no rules other than simply following our hearts in the voting process.

There was no preconceived list of contenders, nor was there any specific judging criteria. The selection was purely based on the individual’s personal choice of exhibition booth project, which stood out and inspired them, making them proud to be part of the team.

Without further ado, we present to you, the Archex Coups de for the 2022 exhibits.

Category Custom Exhibit – large exhibit

Archex - Coups de Coeur - Trux Accessories

Trux Accessories has been offering the most unique and innovative accessories in the trucking industry since 2000. This family business based out of Canada has built a reputation that has made them pioneers in the industry of chrome, LED lighting and stainless accessories. Their presence on the tradeshow floor always attracts crowds.

Why did our team vote for this particular project? Because of the “bling” of course. The contrast of the black design with the integrated LED lighting always has an impact on the end result of a tradeshow booth. Our motto at Archex has always been : We will make you shine with a peace of mind. In the case of Trux Accessories, it is an easy task to accomplish.

Category Custom Exhibit – mid-sized exhibits

In a nutshell, Deliverect makes software for the hospitality and restaurant industry, allowing orders to be managed both online and offline. Even more, their mission is to be the backbone of on-demand food delivery and help businesses to connect with their customers & help them to thrive online. They do this by delivering only the best software to simplify the lives of their customers.

Simplicity. Minimalist branding, clear and effective message.
Their tag line is : Online Orders. Simplified.
Our tag line for them is: Impactful Tradeshow Exhibit. Simplified.

Archex - Coups de Coeur - Deliverct

Category Custom Exhibit – mid-sized exhibits

Archex - Coups de coeur - Red Barrels

Red Barrels is a video game studio focused on single player downloadable games, based in Montreal. Their vision is to create interactive experiences in which the player goes on an emotional and unforgettable journey. Does the game Outlast ring a bell?

Why is this booth a Coups de Coeur 2022?  For the challenge. Talk to our design team and they will tell you that it took many sketches to find the perfect layout.  Including separate gamming rooms in this area was not a small task. But these issues are what keeps us passionate about our work and clients. Challenge accepted and delivered.

Category Portable Exhibit

Soleno is everywhere—under our roads, neighbourhoods, homes and fields. They are established as masters of storm water management for the infrastructure, residential, natural resource and agricultural development sectors. To do so, they recycle over 100 million post-consumer plastic containers per year to build high-performance pipes and focus on preserving balance in natural habitats, making them a true Ecoleader in the industry. A real inspiration!

So why did our team like this portable exhibit so much, you ask? For the versatility and originality of its format. It is great to see a portable booth so complete with the addition of an arch and the illuminated portion of the back wall. Adding a little twist, our client needs to be able to reconfigure the booth as a 10×20 or a 10×10 depending on the tradeshow they attend. All the while being portable, simple to assemble and easy on the budget. A great success.

Archex - Coup de coeur - Soleno

Category Outdoor Events

Archex - coup de coeur Evenko

Created in 1983, this unique comedy festival takes place every year in Montreal. The largest festival of its kind, it invites comedians from around the world. It offers indoor comedy shows, comedy film screenings, television programs, regional tours, and outdoor events. That is where we came in.

This was an easy Coups de Coeur win for the Juste pour rire festival as our entire team fell in love with the design of this CuboxTM . The recycled, custom outfitted, fully modified shipping container was intended to house an activation by one of the event’s partners. There was no better tool to let this partner shine and attract festival goers. It was a great success, and we are curious to see what Evenko has in mind for this year.

Each client received their very own, custom made, “Coups de Coeur” trophy. In order to reflect our sustainability engagements, as well as those of our clients, recycled materials were used to create these awards.

This exercise is the perfect occasion for each and every member of our staff to thank all of you for entrusting us with your exhibit program, working with us as a partner, and helping us continue to learn and grow as a company.

Thank you for your trust !